

Honoring 医疗保健 Pioneers for Trailblazing Black Excellence & 表示

黑人历史月, let us celebrate 和 honor these pioneers whose resilience, innovation 和 dedication have left an enduring impact on the healthcare field.

History owes a great debt to the incredible work of healthcare heroes. 而 names like Florence Nightingale, 克拉拉·巴顿(Clara Barton)和玛格丽特·桑格(Margaret Sanger)理所当然地在这些医疗工作者的编年史上占据了显著的位置, 许多人看到他们的遗产消失在历史中,或者由于缺乏公众知识和那些没有意识到他们正在追随的职业脚步的人而受到限制.

软件下载正在庆祝黑人历史月, 关注那些在医疗保健领域留下不可磨灭印记的杰出人士是至关重要的. From groundbreaking research to revolutionary medical practices, these healthcare pioneers have shattered glass ceilings 和 broken barriers, 显著推进医疗保健实践,为子孙后代铺平道路.



Did you know that 哈丽特塔布曼 was a nurse? Though she's most often remembered for her heroic work as an abolitionist, 塔布曼还担任过护士, 烹饪。, 童子军, 为1做间谍st South Carolina Volunteers Regiment 和 at Freedmen’s Hospital.

塔布曼是个 技艺高超的草药医生 并治疗士兵的战争创伤和传染病,如天花和痢疾. 1865年,塔布曼被任命为弗吉尼亚州门罗要塞有色人种医院的护士长. 即使在战后, 她继续她的护理工作,创建了塔布曼老年和贫困黑人之家.



虽然你可能在历史课上听说过哈丽特·塔布曼,但大多数人从未听说过哈丽特·塔布曼博士. 帕特丽夏浴. Dr. Bath’s contributions to ophthalmology are groundbreaking. Not only did she invent the Laserphaco Probe used in cataract surgery, but she was the first Black woman physician to receive a medical patent. 激光法探针 是否有一种工具可以用激光蒸发病人眼睛里的白内障,使外科医生能够取出眼睛里的晶状体并植入新的晶状体.

1976年,她帮助创立了 American Institute for the Prevention of Blindness. 组织推广了什么 Dr. 浴叫做 社区眼科该组织通过基层筛查、治疗和教育来促进视力健康. Dr. 洗澡还 成为历史上第一位在加州大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心工作的非裔美国女性外科医生.

If you or a loved one has had cataract surgery, you can thank Dr. 为你的视力洗澡!


Dr. 作为胃镜和内窥镜的先驱,列奥尼达斯·贝瑞在医学领域留下了不可磨灭的印记. In 1955, he helped develop the Eder-Berry gastrobiopsy-scope. 这将是第一个能够实现胃组织直接视觉取样的仪器.

Dr. Berry’s work did not end with the invention of the gastrobiopsy-scope. Throughout the rest of his career, Dr. Berry published an influential textbook, 1965年至1966年担任全国医学协会主席,并成立了飞行的黑人医生”, which supplied health care to black communities in Illinois.



埃斯特尔·梅西·奥斯本 lobbied for greater recognition of Black nurses. In 1943, 她被任命为国家战争护理委员会的顾问,在那里她担任护理学校的联络人. 奥斯本 积极地工作 to change discriminatory policies 和 by the end of World War II, 20 new nursing schools had begun admitting Black students. In 1945, 她成为了纽约大学护理教育系的第一位黑人讲师.

Her tireless efforts paved the way for greater diversity 和 inclusion, 和 the effects of her work continue to resonate in the nursing profession today.


Dr. 玛丽莲·休斯·加斯顿是第一位领导美国初级卫生保健局的黑人女性.S. Health 资源 和 Services 政府. 在她成为导演之前, 她长期致力于为贫困和少数民族家庭服务.

Dr. 加斯顿发表了一项基于她对镰状细胞病(SCD)的研究的广泛研究。. 她1989年的研究表明,婴儿出生时应接受SCD筛查,以便立即给予预防性青霉素. 研究的结果是 在国会立法中鼓励和资助全国范围内的SCD筛查幸运28计划,并在一年内完成, 40 states had begun screening programs.

From 1990 until her retirement in 2001, Dr. Gaston went on to become director of the Bureau of Primary Health Care in the U.S. 在卫生资源和服务管理局,她专注于改善贫困和服务不足家庭的医疗保健服务. 


罗伯特·坦纳·弗里曼创造了历史,他是第一个进入哈佛大学牙科医学院学习并毕业的非洲裔美国人. As one of the school’s first six students, he paved the way for future generations in the field of dentistry.

而 working as a dentist in Washington D.C., 他成为黑人社区的支柱,因为他致力于指导其他对医学职业感兴趣的非洲裔美国青年. But his legacy extended beyond his lifetime. He 是荣幸 by the National Dental Association which adopted Dr. Freeman’s mission to extend dental treatment 和 education to the impoverished, the disabled 和 all underrepresented people of color.


艾达·格雷·纳尔逊·罗林斯打破了障碍,成为美国第一位成为牙医的非裔美国女性. 她的开拓性成就为有抱负的黑人女性在牙科行业打开了大门.

Rollins also promoted women’s rights by 参加了几个妇女组织,并担任芝加哥职业妇女俱乐部主席. 

这些医疗保健先驱的贡献远远超出了他们的个人成就. They have paved the way for future generations of healthcare professionals, 激励那些现在站在他们肩膀上的人留下卓越和坚持不懈的遗产.

黑人历史月, let us celebrate 和 honor these pioneers whose resilience, innovation 和 dedication have left an enduring impact on the healthcare field. 他们的遗产激励着软件下载继续努力,为所有人建立一个更加包容和公平的医疗保健系统.



* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, will affect career outcomes 和 earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, salary increase or other career growth.

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